英国赫尔大学国际办公室主任Neil Maynard FRSA
Golden Arrow is an important and significant partner
of the University of Hull in China. We have been
impressed by its precise and professional service,
which has made collaboration effective and
straight forward.
埃塞克斯大学国际部主任Mr Tim Gutsell
The University of Essex has worked with Golden Arrow
for a number of years in China and we greatly value
the productive and mutually beneficial relationship
which we have established together.
拉夫堡大学前国际部主任Mr Tony Westaway
Golden Arrow has represented Loughborough
University within China for several years over which
time we have developed an excellent partnership.
Golden Arrow has built up expertise and knowledge
of both the degree porgrammes and facilities offered
by our University.
英国威尔士国家高教委员会主席Virginia West
GAOC is now a well-established organization with
knowledge and contacts built up over many years
of experience in overseas education. I am happy
to recommend it both as a partner to our
universities in Wales UK and to students
considering studying in the UK.